Introducing Vola Network

Nuvola Digital
6 min readOct 9, 2024


In this article, we will discuss all things Vola — what Vola Network is, what problems it solves, its synergy with Nuvola Drive, C-Hub, and how it is a critical element under the Nuvola umbrella.
Here’s a link to the Catalyst Proposal for Vola.

What is Vola Network?

Vola Network is a DePIN aggregation partner-chain of Cardano.
It is a decentralized blockchain that aggregates storage, compute, GPU, and other resources across different DePIN protocols, enabling users and enterprises to access and use these resources from a single hub without relying on any single DePIN solution.

It ensures seamless cross-chain interoperability, allowing users to tap into storage, compute, and GPU resources across various blockchain ecosystems, with Cardano being a primary focus.

One of its core functions is scalability, supporting aggregation for high-demand applications such as AI, real-time data analytics, and more, ensuring it can grow in line with increasing demands for decentralized compute and storage power.

By developing a user-controlled private key management system tied to email authentication and an intuitive user experience, Vola will focus on reducing the barrier to entry for both web2 and web3 users and enterprises alike. This will be a critical feature, as Vola will primarily operate in the web2 space.

What does Vola solve?

As enterprises and users increasingly seek to utilize decentralized services such as data storage and computation, they encounter significant fragmentation across various platforms. For example, current DePIN storage solutions are spread across multiple protocols, such as Iagon, IPFS, Arweave, Storj, and Sia.

This fragmentation leads to inefficiencies and complicates the management of resources, as there is no unified solution for accessing and controlling all decentralized storage, compute, and other DePIN resources. Furthermore, the demand for GPU resources in AI and machine learning exacerbates the issue due to their high costs and limited integration with decentralized platforms. The lack of interoperability and seamless on-chain solutions limits users’ ability to maintain control over their data, hindering innovation and collaboration.

To address these issues, there is a need for a secure decentralized aggregator platform, such as Vola Network, that seamlessly integrates with both existing Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 solutions, providing a single, unified gateway for resource management. Vola will effectively bridge the gap between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 user bases by implementing user-friendly authentication mechanisms, ensuring that all users can navigate the decentralized landscape with ease, fostering broader adoption of DePIN technologies.

Workload and the Team

Vola has a dedicated team and will in no way increase the workload of the existing Nuvola team. The Nuvola team will remain fully focused on Nuvola and its operations.

Vola’s development will be led by Devendra Neupane, who has officially joined Nuvola as the Lead Software Architect. He will be heading a dedicated team of 10–12 members, including Back-end Developers, Blockchain Developers, DevSecOps Engineers, QA Engineers, and more.

Dev brings years of experience working in the blockchain ecosystem, having contributed to a multitude of projects across various blockchains.

Vola x Nuvola Drive & C-Hub

Vola will play a critical role in Nuvola Drive’s identity and functionality.
Nuvola Drive will provide multiple Web2 and Web3 cloud storage services for users to choose from, all through a single app, thanks to Vola’s unified aggregation solution.

This approach essentially opens the door for Nuvola Drive to onboard and scale a larger user base by offering access to a variety of cloud storage services.

Does Vola affect Nuvola’s Operations?

Since Nuvola operates under a revenue-sharing model with its own node operations, Vola will not impact these operations in any way. The existing node operations, future expansions, and partnerships with new partners will remain unaffected. Operations will continue to progress as they have since we began our journey in April 2024.

Vola will have a multitude of positive effects on Nuvola, including:

  • Increased Exposure and Scalability for Nuvola Drive.
  • Data analytics from Vola’s DePIN aggregation will provide insight and help Nuvola identify the most lucrative and high demand DePINs, enabling new partnerships and/or further node expansion under Nuvola.
  • Boosted Visibility for Nuvola as a Node Operator: Vola will bring substantial exposure to Nuvola’s role as a node operator, encouraging emerging DePIN protocols to incentivize Nuvola to become an early resource provider for their networks.
  • $VOLA token will not, in any way, dilute or reduce $NVL’s rewards or revenues. By scaling our in-house products, Vola will help increase the revenue potential for $NVL.
  • Nuvola will NOT utilize any funds from the treasury for the development of Vola.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have answered some of the most frequently asked questions below:

  1. Will Vola have a token-sale?
    — No, Vola will not have a token sale.
  2. Will Vola take away from Nuvola’s node operations and rewards?
    — Vola will NOT take any rewards away from $NVL.
    — Vola will NOT operate nodes for any DePIN protocol.
    — Vola will NOT affect existing or future $NVL staking rewards.
  3. Will Vola take away future partners from Nuvola?
    — No, Vola will instead expose Nuvola to a larger number of potential partners.
  4. Will Vola create direct revenues for $NVL?
    — No, Vola will generate revenues from fees, which will go to the node operators contributing to Vola’s ecosystem.
  5. Will Nuvola operate nodes for Vola?
    — Nuvola might run a small percentage of nodes (while respecting decentralization) that will reward $NVL stakers.
  6. Will Vola use the $NVL treasury for building, hiring, or other expenses?
    —No, the $NVL treasury will not be utilized in any capacity outside of expansion for Nuvola’s operations.
  7. Will Vola offer services to products from other projects?
    —Yes, Vola is an aggregator and will integrate many DePIN projects from different chains and industries.
  8. How will Nuvola benefit from the exposure given by Vola?
    — Vola will integrate multiple protocols and chains, allowing people to explore Nuvola and its revenue-sharing model, which will strengthen the Nuvola community and $NVL holders.
    — Vola will bring massive exposure to Nuvola as a node operator, encouraging emerging DePIN protocols to incentivize Nuvola to become an early resource provider for their networks.
  9. Is Nuvola reliant on Vola’s success?
    —No, Nuvola’s node operations, treasury, current revenues, and future revenues are independent of Vola.
  10. Will Nuvola Drive and C-Hub be on hold until Vola is live?
    —No, Vola, Nuvola Drive, and C-Hub are being developed independently by different teams. Vola will add new functionality to Nuvola Drive and scale C-Hub.
  11. Will Vola have a whitepaper? When will it be released?
    — Yes, Vola will have a whitepaper. All documentation regarding Vola is being worked on and will be released over the coming weeks.

In Conclusion

Vola Network is a natural step in the right direction for Nuvola’s evolution from a node operator to a true DePIN aggregator. While Vola does not affect Nuvola’s operations and revenues, it will set a framework that benefits Nuvola in a multitude of ways in the long run.

By seamlessly integrating with Nuvola’s existing solutions, Vola not only enhances Nuvola’s ecosystem but also paves the way for broader DePIN adoption and innovation.

As each component continues to develop independently, yet synergistically, we are confident that both Nuvola and Vola will drive forward the future of decentralized technologies.

The future is bright.



Nuvola Digital

Nuvola is the gateway to a global rewards based economy. For the people, by the people.